Adding value to indigenous staple crops

About the department
The Department of Food Science and Technology began as a program within the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, where faculty responded to the national need for experts in the expanding food sector throughout Ghana. Focusing on issues related to food security, the department offers a four-year undergraduate degree as well as master’s and doctorate degrees in food science and technology.
Impact on development
The department is working to improve lives of farmers by finding ways to add value to local grains and cereals. With increased ability to grow and sell these crops, farmers will have better opportunities to sell their grains and make a better living.
Meet the Awardee

About the institution
Year established:
Number of faculty:
Number of students impacted annually:
Why Seeding Labs?
The department needs equipment to enable faculty research and support practical teaching for around 1,500 biomedical sciences students per year.
Did you know?
This was the fourth department at KNUST supported by the Instrumental Access program.