Gratitude Tuesday 2022: Celebrating the Seeding Labs community
100 universities. 39 developing countries. 347 tons of lab equipment. Looking at these numbers made possible by the Seeding Labs community, only one word can sum them up: gratitude.
Changing the narrative
100 universities. 39 developing countries. 347 tons of lab equipment. Looking at these numbers made possible by the Seeding Labs community, only one word can sum them up: gratitude.
Bacteria in balance: harnessing microbiology for better dental care in India
Dr. Kishore Bhat, professor of microbiology at Maratha Mandal’s NGH Institute of Dental Sciences & Research Centre is propelling the country’s first research into the oral microbiome and training dentists around the country to better identify oral pathogens and save lives.
Teaming up to investigate an unusually high number of twins in Nigeria
Pictured above: Dr. Akhere Omonkhua, a professor of medical biochemistry at the University of Benin, with her twin sister Dr. Odion Omonkhua in Igbo-Ora, Nigeria, also known as “Twin Town” because of its high rate of twin births. It might be the okra leaves. Or the yams … or maybe the cassava? It could also […]
Instrumental access impact update: teaching
When Instrumental Access awardees connected with the Seeding Labs Metrics and Evaluation team throughout 2021, they told stories of increased scientific output and inspiring expansions of their teaching capacities. Since 2003, 113 Instrumental Access shipments have been sent to researchers across the world. This year, 25 of those awardees updated us on how equipment has […]
Instrumental access impact update: research
Throughout 2021, the Seeding Labs metrics and evaluation team connected with Instrumental Access awardees to understand the impact of equipment on their departments. Since 2003, 113 Instrumental Access shipments have been sent to researchers across the world. This year, 25 of those awardees took the time to update us on the progress of their research […]
Exploring sustainable energy storage in Colombia
Pictured above: Dr. Esteban Garcίa-Tamayo (second from right) and colleagues at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana are using fique plants, pictured behind them, to create new sustainable energy storage. Coffee, Colombia’s most famous export, is stored and shipped in sturdy woven bags made from a local plant called fique (Furcraea bedinghausii), also known as sisal. The […]
Turning obstacles to opportunities: How one researcher is advancing his fight against antimicrobial resistance
Pictured above: Thanks to Instrumental Access, faculty members at the Université d’Abomey-Calavi have dramatically increased their output of research and publications with additional lab infrastructure in place. In a year when access to labs was minimal, when daily life was (and continues to be) upended, it is almost impossible to maintain a rigorous, scientific workflow. […]
Setting new expectations in Cameroon
Pictured above: Dr. Jules-Roger Kuiate celebrates with students in the Department of Biochemistry at the Université de Dschang as equipment from an Instrumental Access award arrives on campus in Cameroon. Dr. Jules-Roger Kuiate’s department at the Université de Dschang in Cameroon educates 2,000 students each year. He and his colleagues in the Department of Biochemistry […]
Lab notes: A pharmacy program on the rise in Zambia
The Department of Pharmacy at the University of Zambia is the nation’s primary institution for training up-and-coming pharmacists. As part of that training, they focus on drug discovery from the bounty of plants native to the region. In August 2017, nearly two and a half tons of Instrumental Access equipment arrived on campus in Lusaka, […]